The Cloud based Bus Pass System Project is a real time project which is useful for the commuters who are facing problems with the current manual work of bus pass system. It makes the passenger easy to travel with the ticket QR code with the mobile. So that even if the passenger loses the ticket at the time of checking he can show the QR code. The conductor can check the QR code with the Admin weather matches or not. The unique number allotted for one person cannot be the same for the other. It also increases the validity period, frequently warns to the commuters before completion of his/her validity period by sending SMS or mails. His/her Renewal or Registration can be done using a credit card/debit card/online/by cash. Initially, commuters need to register with the application by submitting details like photo, address proof and other details and submit it online. They will verify your details and if they are valid they will approve bus pass else they will reject. You can even renew using credit card or otherwise transaction methods.  Customer can buy the bus ticket over the Internet, 24 hours a day throughout the week, this solves the issue of bus ticket being misplaced or stolen.  The site may get overloaded due to huge number of users visiting at once. Thus this system is built up using cloud infrastructure for improved performance. 

This project is created to provide “safe, reliable, saving, efficient and affordable” services for user. This idea would help the user in a better way. As per the previous system the user had to do each and every process manually, but this system helps user to make the work bit faster. The user can then take print out of this bus pass from their mail id and use them or even by showing the QR code in their android device they can able to access the pass. The bus pass will be differ for different types of users. In this bus pass, all the required details such as candidate name, address, date of birth, mail id, name of the school(government/private), validity period, amount paid (free for government school students) and photo copy of the candidate are provided. Instead of school details, working organization details will be provided in employees bus pass. The renewal process can be done either monthly or yearly as per user wish. Based on that renewal period amount will be deducted.

ü  Registration Module
ü  Authentication Module
ü  Online Payment Module
ü  Generation of Bus Pass Module
ü  Bus Pass Renewal Module
ü  Notification Module

ü  Abstraction
ü  Encapsulation
ü  Modularity
ü  Hierarchy

·       Abstraction is the process of taking away or removing characteristics from something in order to reduce it to a set of essential characteristics.
·       In object-oriented programming, abstraction is one of three central principles along with encapsulation and inheritance.
·       Through the process of abstraction, a programmer hides all but the relevant data about an object in order to reduce complexity and increase efficiency.
·       In the same way that abstraction sometimes works in art, the object that remains is a representation of the original, with unwanted detail omitted.
·       The resulting object itself can be referred to as an abstraction, meaning a named entity made up of selected attributes and behaviour specific to a particular usage of the originating entity.
·       Abstraction is related to both encapsulation and data hiding.
·       In the process of abstraction, the programmer tries to ensure that the entity is named in a manner that will make sense and that it will have all the relevant aspects included and none of the extraneous ones.
·       A real-world analogy of abstraction might work like this: You (the object) are arranging to meet a blind date and are deciding what to tell them so that they can recognize you in the restaurant.
·       You decide to include the information about where you will be located, your height, hair colour, and the colour of your jacket.
·       However, since entities may have any number of abstractions, you may get to use them in another procedure in the future.
·       Bus pass verification using bar code scanner will make the work of the conductors and passengers easy.
·       The main principle of the system was conductor will scan the bus pass QR code of the customer that will check for the database in cloud, if the entity exists then it will be verified.
·       The system is not so complex, so conductor can easily use the system to make their job done.
·       The cloud database will be hidden for both conductors and the passengers.
·       Only the database admin can access the database for adding/modifying the users in the database.


·       The above example shows the hierarchy of a college management system to classify students and employees.

·       class hierarchy or inheritance tree in computer science is a classification of object types, denoting objects as the instantiations of classes inter-relating the various classes by relationships such as "inherits", "extends", "is an abstraction of", "an interface definition". 
·       In object-oriented programming, a class is a template that defines the state and behaviour common to objects of a certain kind.
·       A class can be defined in terms of other classes.
·       Admin will be in the top of the hierarchy and passengers will be at the last in bus pass using bar code scanner system.

3.    Encapsulation:
·       Encapsulation is one of the loosely defined OOAD concepts.
·       The term is known in software development for many years but I can't find any reliable origin. 
·       Encapsulation is very close or similar to the abstraction concept.
·       The difference is probably in "direction" - encapsulation is more about hiding (encapsulating) implementation details while abstraction is about finding and exposing public interfaces. The two concepts are supported by access control.
·       The admin alone has access to the database hence all the other users are encapsulated from the system.

4.    Modularity:
·       Modularity is the process of decomposing a problem (program) into a set of modules so as to reduce the overall complexity of the problem.
·       Modularity is the property of a system that has been decomposed into a set of cohesive and loosely coupled modules.
·       Modularity is intrinsically linked with encapsulation.
·       Modularity can be visualized as a way of mapping encapsulated abstractions into real, physical modules having high cohesion within the modules and their inter–module interaction or coupling is low.
·       In bus pass using bar code scanner project, modules are separated as conductor, passenger and admin.

ü  Class hierarchy
ü  Derived classes inherits properties and behavior of base class
ü  Allows code re-use
ü  Derived classes can have
·       additional properties and behavior
·       over-ride inherited behavior
o   Reusability is also very similar to modularity.
o   Objects are created and used several times to avoid redundancy.
Renew bus pass can be used by students, citizens and senior citizens without making new objects. 

List of actors involved:
1.     PRIMARY ACTOR: User
2.     SECONDARY ACTOR: Admin, Citizen, Senior Citizen, Student, Conductor

 The primary actor (USER) is divided into four secondary classes such as admin, citizen, senior citizen, student and conductor.
Each secondary classes has many use cases.  The detailed use case diagram of the project is elaborately given below as a use case diagram.
Here we have used generalization, dependency, association, direct association, etc… to explain the relationship between the use cases.

Registration Module:
In the registration module, the commuters are first allowed to sign in by providing valid email id.  Then they are allowed to create their passcode.  After that, by providing valid user id and passcode they are allowed to access their portal.

Authentication Module:
In this module the registered user details and documents are verified by the admin. Only the registered users are allowed for renewal of their bus pass. This module checks whether the authenticated user is accessing.

Online Payment Module:
In this module the registered users are allowed to pay the charges for their bus pass renewal or applying new bus pass. The commuters will be redirected to a Payment Gateway Process page.

Generation of Bus Pass Module:
After paying the applicable charges the commuters can able to generate their Bus Pass in the form of QR code.  By using this QR code they can able to travel in the allotted busses.

Bus Pass Renewal Module:
Only the registered users are allowed to access this Bus Pass Renewal Module.  In this module, the commuters can able to renew their bus pass after the completion of the previous bus pass.

Notification Module:
In this module, the registered users can able to receive notification in their apps and even via emails the notification will sent.  Using this module the commuters can able to know the status of the bus which they are going to travel.


The main purpose of a use case diagram is to show who interacts with your system, and the main goals they achieve with it. Create Actors to represent classes of people, organizations, other systems, software or devices that interact with your system or subsystem.
A use case diagram does not show the detail of the use cases: it only summarizes some of the relationships between use cases, actors, and systems. In particular, the diagram does not show the order in which steps are performed to achieve the goals of each use case. You can describe those details in other diagrams and documents, which you can link to each use case.

  • Use case help to capture the functional requirements of a system.
  • Use cases are traceable.
  • Use cases can serve as the basis for the estimating, scheduling, and validating effort.
·        Use cases can serve as the basis for the estimating, scheduling, and validating effort.
·         Use case can evolve at each iteration from a method of capturing requirements, to development guidelines to programmers, to a test case and finally into user documentation.
·        Use case alternative paths capture additional behavior that can improve system robustness.
·        Use cases have proved to be easily understandable by business users, and so have proven an excellent bridge between software developers and end users.
